On-line access to a list of apartments matching your criteria and prepared by your local apartment locator.
Personalized follow-up to be sure the information on vacancies matches your price range, location and size needs including a 2nd Look presentation to add more choices or to present a new area.
Our presentation includes information on availability, rent reduction specials and move in specials.
One more point: We originated the apartment locating industry in 1959. We take pride in our tradition of serving renters, just like yourself, in finding their next apartment home. Our history is one of working one-on-one for each prospective renter. People lease apartments not computers or email list, we know the difference and we make a difference in your rental experience. Apartment Selector locators area ready to help you today. We hope to always serve your home finding needs.
Disclaimer: Quoted rental rates, specials, and availability literally change daily. Prices can fluctuate as much a $100 on a given day depending on the size and scarcity of a specific unit. Work with your locator to keep current on the market.