One & two bedroom apartments for rent. One lovely Penthouse 2 bedroom 2 bath overlooking the Plaza renting for $1,750.00Per Month. The Penthouse comes with two reserved parking spaces. Be the envy of all of your friends. CALL NOW!!!!
Category: Kansas City Apartment Info
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Apartments for Rent Update
Update The heating up of the the US economy has caught with apartment renters. In most major cities rents have increased, vacancies have decreased and it is simply hard to find what you want. First, over the last few years apartments have adopted the pricing software. The more a unit is view, the more it […]
17 March, 2014 12:35
Kansas City’s #1 rental home and apartment locator. “Apartment Selector KC”. Thousands of rentals available in greater Kansas City metro area. A free service since 1959. Call (913) 752-7188.
Great place to live and work!!! Another great apartment living deal from Apartment Selector! AGENT Kansas City Apartment SelectorStart your search now!Direct Phone: 913-752-7188Fax: 913-273-1415Ref #: 89017 what to say about diane PROPERTY LOCATI

(1) 2×2 969 Sq. Ft. Flat $1075 per mo. Available Immediately (1) 2×2 1198Sq. Ft. Loft w/attached garage $1304.00 mo. Avail. Aug.15 (3) 2×2 969 Sq. Ft. Flat $1055 per mo. Available Aug. 15th (3) 2×2 969 Sq. Ft. Loft $1065 per mo. Available Aug. 15th (1) 1×1 758 Sq. Ft. Flat $860 per mo. […]
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Fast, Free and Easy!! Apartment Locating
We want to thank the thousands of prospects that contacted us in 2011 for apartment finding assistance.
Happy New Year 2012 from your friends at Apartment Selector
Apartment Selector, the fast and easy way to find your apartment home From a simple thought in the spring of 1959, Apartment Selector has grown to national service of assisting renters find vacancies matched to their lifestyle and economic needs. A professional works with you to find the apartment you want. Have a Happy New […]
Great Time to Lease Call your local Apartment Selector
Great Time to Lease Call your local Apartment Selector